How to use CBD Oil for Cancer and The Best CBD Oil for Cancer Patients
CBD is a cannabis molecule that can offer a lot of mental and physical support for cancer patients. According to some studies, the molecule may be able to shrink tumor size. And while the research is still in its early stages, we do know that CBD also has other benefits for people with cancer. For example, it can relieve pain, nausea, and inflammation. And thanks to its anxiety-fighting properties, it can also make you feel more grounded as you navigate your diagnosis and treatment. Read on to find out more about the best CBD oil for cancer , why cancer patients can benefit from it, and what products we recommend. CBD oil benefits for cancer First of all, we think it’s important to stress that for the time being, we don’t have any evidence that CBD cures cancer. It has been shown to shrink down tumors in vitro (in a test tube), but that’s not to say it can necessarily have this effect in your own body. We hope to see a lot more studies on the topic in coming years. But...